Tag: Privacy
The results of the trilogue of the EU institutions (European Parliament, Commission and Council) on the data protection reform package is an important milestone on the way into the global information society. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will replace 28 different data protection laws of the Member States.
The reach of the new legal framework extends beyond the European Union. Even companies with headquarters outside the EU will have to comply with the GDPR so far they are ...
The Snowden revelations revealed just how far some states had departed from the guarantees of privacy enshrined in the human and civil rights agreements of the post-war era. The European Union can play the central role in setting enforceable data protection standards internationally, however resisting the logic of surveillance also depends on pressure from society, writes Peter Schaar.
Read the full article in ...
„US-Freedom Act“ gescheitert: Vertane Chance
Das Gesetz zur Reform der Befugnisse der US-Geheimdienste, der „Freedom Act“ ist gestern im US-Senat knapp gescheitert. Die Republikaner brachten das durch die Demokraten eingebrachte und auch von Präsident Obama unterstützte Gesetzgebungsvorhaben - zunächst - zu Fall, indem sie die Abstimmung über das Gesetz mit ihrer Sperrminorität verhinderten.
Auch wenn der abgelehnte Gesetzentwurf aus Datenschutz- und Bürgerrechtssicht in mancher ...
(This blog post was translated by EDPS - Many thanks - PSch)
German version
French version
It is certainly nothing new to say that data protection and technology go hand in hand, but at least since information was leaked by Edward Snowden we have known that the technical weaknesses of digital information and communication systems are mercilessly exploited, and not only by criminals and rogue ...